Thursday, June 13, 2019

Protection of research participants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Protection of research participants - Essay ExampleResearch participants involve several rights over the researchers, which include cognizant consent and voluntary participation. The participants should be informed about the degree to which the information will be kept secret, according to Human Research Participation Program (2009, par.3). Rubin and Babbie (2009, p.263) mention important measures that the researchers should take to protect participants information. They state that sensitive information collected from participants should only be used for professional purposes, and should only be discussed with individuals who are concerned with the study professionally (p.263). They also state that participants should be guaranteed the anonymity and confidentiality of their information, and they should also be informed about the measures that the researchers would be taking to protect the data (p.263). Identifying information should be omitted as soon as possible or used only afte rward participants consent. My research agenda is that I would only use sensitive information after taking participants consent, and will take proper measures to protect the data in every possible

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