Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Ligament Injuries Essay -- Health Injured Ligaments Essays

Ligament Injuries The volleyball match has been goingon for over an hour. Both teams have been tradingpoints and side-outs. The ball is set graduate(prenominal) outside sothat the big outside hitter can put the ball away.She comes in hard, plants, leaps into the air andsmashes the ball down the line in a twisting motion.As she lands on her right leg, a POP is heard anddown she goes. What has estimable happened isoccurring more(prenominal) and more often in athletics, theathlete has just torn the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL). In this paper I will describe ACL, how itis injured and diagnosed, how it be repaired andwhat is being done to prevent ACL injuries. TheAnterior symmetric Ligament (ACL) is one of thetwo cruciate ligaments of the stifle, the other beingthe Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL). Theseligaments are the stabilizers of the knee. The ACLis a strip of fibery tissue, which is located deepinside the knee joint. It runs from the caudalside of the femur (thigh bone) to the anterior sideof the tibia (shin bone) deep inside of the knee.The ligament is a broad, thick cord the size of apersons index finger. It has long collagen strands twine together in a fashion that permits forces ofup to 500 pounds to be exerted. The function ofthe ACL is to prevent the tibia from moving infront of the knee and femur. The ACL in additionprevents hyperextension (or extreme stretching ofthe knee backward) and helps to prevent rotationof the tibia. The amount of knee ligament injurieshave been on the rise in recent years. Over the last15 years, ankle sprains have decreased by 86%and tibia fractures by 88%, but knee ligamentinjuries have increased by 172%. The injury unremarkably occurs in either a slow twisting fall, asudden hyperextension, or a sudden hyperflexionas when landing from jumping. When the injuryoccurs the athlete unremarkably hears a pop and theywill have immediate swelling of the knee. Whenthe person tries to put weight on the leg it will feellike the knee isnt underneath the athlete. Withmost injuries the type of movement will help todetermine the injury I twisted to the right. etc.When ACL injuries occur there is a papasound at the time of injury and swelling within sixhours. An experienced clinician can diagnose anACL tear with relative accuracy by a manualexamination. X-ray examination and ... ...t of stress. A kneebend resistive exercise program done by TheUnited States Ski Team has resulted in an 80%decline in serious knee injuries. The program usesa single stance one-third knee bend going from 30to 80 degrees at a steady rate for three minutes,working up to five minutes on each leg. Sportband (elastic cord) can be used to increaseresistance when initial levels are achieved. Theanterior cruciate ligament is the main guide to kneestabilization. Fortunately injuries to the ACL arenow much more treatable and athletes arereturning to performance at a greater rate. Allathletes need to be aware of the risk of ACLinjuries bu t they also need to roll in the hay if it doeshappen, its not the end of their athletic career.Works CitedAnterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) Injury.http//www.familyinternet.com/peds/scr/001074cc.htmThe Kneehttp//www.mednet.qc.ca/mednet/anglais/hermes_a/knee/knee_15.htmlKnee Injuries The Anterior Cruciate Ligamenthttp//www.medseek.com/portfolios/reference/gallz.htmlHealther Knees, Please - AHFMR May/June bindhttp//www.worldweb.com/ahfmr/may/knees.htmlANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENTINJURIES BY DAN KUKLOCK

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