Friday, May 31, 2019
Acid Rain :: essays research papers fc
Acid Rain and its Effects On Our Aquatic EcosystemsIn the past century, one of the greatest threats to North Americas aquatic ecosystem has been the general acidulatedification of hundreds of thousands of waterways. Acid rainwater has effected plant and animal life within aquatic ecosystems, as well as microbiologic activity by affecting the pass judgment of decomposition and the accumulation of organic matter. What causes this poisonous rain, and what can be done to improve North Americas water quality and prevent future catastrophes? To answer these questions, we essential first examine the cause and formation of acid rain, as well as understand ways to decrease or prevent its formation. Formation of acid rain.Acid deposition, more commonly known as acid rain, occurs when emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form acidic compounds. This mixture forms a mild solution of sulfuric and nitric acid w hich then falls to the earth in either wet (rain, snow, sleet or fog) or prohibitionist (gas and particles) form. Approximately one-half of the atmospheres acidity falls back to earth through dry deposition in the form of particles and gases, and ar then spread hundreds of miles by winds where they settle on surfaces of buildings, cars, homes, and trees. When acid rain falls, the dry deposited gases and particles are sometimes washed from buildings, trees and other surfaces making the runoff water combine with the acid rain more acidic than the falling acid rain alone. This new combination is referred to as acid deposition. The runoff water is then transported by strong overriding winds and public sewer systems into lakes and streams. Although some natural sources such as volcanic eruptions, fire and lightening contribute to the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, more than 90% is the result of human activities such as coal burning, smelting of meta ls such as zinc, nickel and copper, and the burning of oil, coal and gas in power plants and automobiles.When does rain befit acidic?Scientists determine whether rain or lake water is acidic by measuring its pH (the measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a scale of 0 to 14). A value of 7 is considered neutral, whereas values less than 7 are acidic and values over 7 are alkaline or basic. A change of one unit on the pH scale represents a factor of ten in acidity for example, a solution with a pH of five is ten times as acid as one with a pH of six .
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Intellectual Property :: Star Trek Trekkie Websites Essays
Intellectual Property As I begin this narrative, readers will have to sympathize that I have been and always will be a journeykie. The very first movie I was ever taken to see was Star Trek III The Search for Spock. I was six months old and I did nothing but scream the holy time, but the fascination has nonetheless been there my entire life, and there is no twelve-step program to help me recover. That having been said, you might have some degree of understanding when I say that Viacoms attempts in 1997 to eliminate whole use of copyrighted material on fan sites, ranging from still pictures to movie and sound clips to the logos themselves, was war for me. For Viacom, the issue was that these copyrighted images were used at all. This spawned a whole host of further crackdowns and lawsuits in similar kingdoms of fanatics across the web. The situation I just described to you, while probably not the best case of the internets general abuse of intellectual property, is one of the earl iest examples. Proper accreditation and documentation is a widespread problem on the internet, particularly at once that the internet has grown in use and popularity. The internet hosts websites that directly violate the concept of intellectual property in ways that no other dig ever can. If copyrighted graphics or sound appear on any website trying to convey a message, particularly if these are recognizable to an sightly member of the sites target audience, the validity of that argument is subconsciously undermined by the unaccredited presence of someone elses ideas. For web writers, one resolution to this dilemma seems to be to avoid copyrighted material as much as possible and create original content. This content does not need to be entirely dissimilar from a copyrighted work you would have liked to use. Copyright law protects the expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves (Farkas & Farkas 349). But this solution creates problems with recreational forms of websites. Those build by fans of a popular TV show, for instance, have no personal photos of their favorite actors and actresses and inevitably rely on scanned publicity photos and content from official sites to go their galleries and create their custom graphics. This example might then fall under the fair use defense, which has to make the case that use of the copyrighted work of another should be legally permitted, notwithstanding the copyright owners exclusive rights in her work (George Washington).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Explore the different types of leadership Golding and Garland present E
Explore the different types of leading Golding and Garland present in Lord of the Flies and The Beach.In Lord of the Flies and The Beach many lead qualities arshown. These qualities are shown in different ways for example iodineleader is elected by democracy, another is self-appointed and lastlythere is the destructive leader. Lord of the Flies was written in1954. A time when commercialisation was not an issue and media hypeonly had subtle effects of society. The Beach was written in 1996,American globalisation has begun and the media played a massive separatein society. I will look at how the different time may uphold the wayin which a leader reacts.The most limpid resemblance between the novels is the setting and theisolation of the islands yet there is a differentiation in that theboys in Lord of the Flies are stranded and are forced to try andsurvive where they dont really want to be. The Characters in TheBeach have chosen to be isolated in such surroundings and dont wa ntto leave. For them it is not a matter of survival. In both novels theleadership and order of their close-knit communities is similar, theway both societies ethics decline and the introduction of violentbehaviour is the start of their destruction. Although they bareresemblance they are very different. I will look at how the leadersaffect this.Firstly I will look at what bedevils a good leader, I will then look ateach disposition in turn and establish the different types of leadershipGolding and Garland present in Lord of the Flies and The Beach. Whatmakes a good leader? It has been said that some are born with theright qualities and some develop them. Whether nature or nurture agood leader should alwa... ...le attributes for a leader onlythis is the only leadership quality Jed holds.In conclusion, I believe that Sal was the most suitable leaderalthough being selfish at heart, all she cared about was the beach,which in effect was a good thing. Bugs simply did as Sal said so Idou bt in a tough situation alone Bugs would be able to make calm andgood decisions. Richard obviously is not really a contender for anytype of leadership because of his childishness and uncaring nature.After comparing and analyzing the leadership in both novels I haveevidence to believe that a personality such as Ralphs would always bebest for a leadership placement. He is compassionate, forward thinkingand loyal. Both novels show mans natural instinct to resort todestructive violence, Ralph is the only exception to this and is themost focused character from both novels.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath Essay -- society, gender stereotype
Literature is the superlative resource when one is attempting to comprehend or fathom how society has modify over the centuries. Many written workswhether fictional or nonfictionalexpress the views of gender roles and societies expectations. Sylvia Plaths The Bell Jar is an exemplary novel that explores these issues. Ester Greenwood was envisioned the superficial and oppressive values of the mid-twentieth century American society through her experiences of gender inequalities and social conformities. Plaths own life was correspondingly mirrored in this novel which in turn left the reader aware of the issues in her time period. At the conclusion of The Bell Jar, the audience realizes that she was pushed to completely conform to society. During the 19th century, gender roles were outrageously strict. Linda Brannon, a Doctorate Professor of Psychology at McNeese State University, states a gender stereotype consists of beliefs about the psychological traits and characteristicsof, as easy as the activities appropriate to, men or women (160). These stereotypes were supposed to be adhered to sternly. Obviously, the stereotypes for men and women were polar opposites. This patriarchal society viewed the male as the head of the household. They were judge to be the workers in the family. Men were expected to be powerful, brave, worldly, rational, independent, and sexual. Joletha Cobb, a minister and an NCCA licensed clinical pastoral counselor, explained the expectations of genders in accordance with past centuries with an emphasis on the bible. Women were expected to bear children, stay home, cook and clean, and take care of the children (Cobb 29). They were expected to be weak, timid, domestic, emotional,... ...her writing career. The Bell Jar was an exceptional novel that can be utilize to view the ideas of gender roles. Ester, who despised marriage and focused on education, went through multiple events that pushed her to subvert and conform to societys expect ations. Womens literature much(prenominal) as this workof the nineteenth century provided confirmation of societys emphasis on The Cult of Womanhood and Domesticity. Plaths life mirrors Esters and in conclusion brought awareness to the oppression of women. ReferencesBrannon, Linda. Gender Psychological Perspectives. 4th ed. Boston Pearson/Allyn And Bacon, 2005. Print. Cobb, Joletha. Women Who You Are in Christ. Durham Joletha Cobb, 2006. Print. Hogeland, Ronald W. Women and Womanhood in America. Lexington, Mass. D.C. Heath, 1973. Print.Plath, Sylvia. The Bell Jar. New York Harperperennial, 2006. Print.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Ligament Injuries Essay -- Health Injured Ligaments Essays
Ligament Injuries The volleyball match has been goingon for over an hour. Both teams have been tradingpoints and side-outs. The ball is set graduate(prenominal) outside sothat the big outside hitter can put the ball away.She comes in hard, plants, leaps into the air andsmashes the ball down the line in a twisting motion.As she lands on her right leg, a POP is heard anddown she goes. What has estimable happened isoccurring more(prenominal) and more often in athletics, theathlete has just torn the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL). In this paper I will describe ACL, how itis injured and diagnosed, how it be repaired andwhat is being done to prevent ACL injuries. TheAnterior symmetric Ligament (ACL) is one of thetwo cruciate ligaments of the stifle, the other beingthe Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL). Theseligaments are the stabilizers of the knee. The ACLis a strip of fibery tissue, which is located deepinside the knee joint. It runs from the caudalside of the femur (thigh bone) to the anterior sideof the tibia (shin bone) deep inside of the knee.The ligament is a broad, thick cord the size of apersons index finger. It has long collagen strands twine together in a fashion that permits forces ofup to 500 pounds to be exerted. The function ofthe ACL is to prevent the tibia from moving infront of the knee and femur. The ACL in additionprevents hyperextension (or extreme stretching ofthe knee backward) and helps to prevent rotationof the tibia. The amount of knee ligament injurieshave been on the rise in recent years. Over the last15 years, ankle sprains have decreased by 86%and tibia fractures by 88%, but knee ligamentinjuries have increased by 172%. The injury unremarkably occurs in either a slow twisting fall, asudden hyperextension, or a sudden hyperflexionas when landing from jumping. When the injuryoccurs the athlete unremarkably hears a pop and theywill have immediate swelling of the knee. Whenthe person tries to put weight on the leg it will feellike the knee isnt underneath the athlete. Withmost injuries the type of movement will help todetermine the injury I twisted to the right. etc.When ACL injuries occur there is a papasound at the time of injury and swelling within sixhours. An experienced clinician can diagnose anACL tear with relative accuracy by a manualexamination. X-ray examination and ... ...t of stress. A kneebend resistive exercise program done by TheUnited States Ski Team has resulted in an 80%decline in serious knee injuries. The program usesa single stance one-third knee bend going from 30to 80 degrees at a steady rate for three minutes,working up to five minutes on each leg. Sportband (elastic cord) can be used to increaseresistance when initial levels are achieved. Theanterior cruciate ligament is the main guide to kneestabilization. Fortunately injuries to the ACL arenow much more treatable and athletes arereturning to performance at a greater rate. Allathletes need to be aware of the risk of ACLinjuries bu t they also need to roll in the hay if it doeshappen, its not the end of their athletic career.Works CitedAnterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) Injury.http// Kneehttp// Injuries The Anterior Cruciate Ligamenthttp// Knees, Please - AHFMR May/June bindhttp// CRUCIATE LIGAMENTINJURIES BY DAN KUKLOCK
Ligament Injuries Essay -- Health Injured Ligaments Essays
Ligament Injuries The volleyball match has been goingon for over an hour. Both teams have been tradingpoints and billet-outs. The ball is set high foreign sothat the big outside hitter can put the ball away.She comes in hard, plants, leaps into the air andsmashes the ball down the line in a distorted shape motion.As she lands on her right leg, a POP is heard anddown she goes. What has just happened isoccurring more and more often in athletics, theathlete has just separate the anterior cruciate ligament(ACL). In this paper I will describe ACL, how itis injured and diagnosed, how it be repaired andwhat is being d unmatchable to prevent ACL injuries. TheAnterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of thetwo cruciate ligaments of the knee, the other beingthe Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL). Theseligaments are the stabilizers of the knee. The ACLis a strip of fibery tissue, which is located deepinside the knee joint. It runs from the posteriorside of the femur (thigh bone) to the anter ior sideof the tibia (shin bone) deep inside of the knee.The ligament is a broad, thick cord the size of apersons index finger. It has long collagen strandswoven in concert in a fashion that permits forces ofup to 500 pounds to be exerted. The function ofthe ACL is to prevent the tibia from moving infront of the knee and femur. The ACL alsoprevents hyperextension (or ingrained stretching ofthe knee backward) and helps to prevent rotationof the tibia. The amount of knee ligament injurieshave been on the rise in recent years. Over the last15 years, ankle joint sprains have decreased by 86%and tibia fractures by 88%, but knee ligamentinjuries have increased by 172%. The injuryusually occurs in either a slow twisting fall, asudden hyperextension, or a sudden hyperflexionas when landing from jumping. When the injuryoccurs the athlete usually hears a pop and theywill have immediate swelling of the knee. Whenthe person tries to put weight on the leg it will feellike the knee isnt underne ath the athlete. Withmost injuries the type of movement will help todetermine the injury I twisted to the right. etc.When ACL injuries occur there is a popping start at the time of injury and swelling within sixhours. An experienced clinician can diagnose anACL tear with relative accuracy by a manualexamination. X-ray examination and ... ...t of stress. A kneebend resistive exercise program done by TheUnited States Ski Team has resulted in an 80%decline in serious knee injuries. The program usesa single stance one-third knee bend going from 30to 80 degrees at a steady rate for three minutes,working up to five minutes on each leg. Sportband (elastic cord) can be employ to increaseresistance when initial levels are achieved. Theanterior cruciate ligament is the main guide to kneestabilization. Fortunately injuries to the ACL arenow much more treatable and athletes arereturning to performance at a greater rate. Allathletes need to be aware of the risk of ACLinjuries but they also ne ed to know if it doeshappen, its non the end of their athletic career.Works CitedAnterior Cruciate Ligament(ACL) Injury.http// Kneehttp// Injuries The Anterior Cruciate Ligamenthttp// Knees, Please - AHFMR May/JuneArticlehttp// CRUCIATE LIGAMENTINJURIES BY DAN KUKLOCK
Monday, May 27, 2019
Jane Austenââ¬â¢s Persuasion Essay
Jane Austen is a successful classic romance bracingist, one of her many news is Persuasion, a novel that portrays chouse. She published six novels that only relate to the theme of love and marriage along with the consequences of making that important decision. slice the novel Persuasion is romantically favourable, thither are ideas presented about marriage that are not very appealing. The main story of the novel was the reunion of Anne and her shattered love with, Captain Wentworth. Though they were rightfully in love, the relationship was rejected by her cause and Mrs.Russell from a financial and accessible class perspective. The ending of the story brings us to a beautiful jubilantly forever after, where the engagement of Anne and Captain Wentworth leaves place. The reunion of the couple, led to happiness for the two and that was all that concerned them. There are marriages however, that are quite uncooperatively performed. Some marriages ordinarily serve the purpose of financial aid or social mobility for the significant other who is less fortunate, in this case it is usually the women. This is evident with Mrs.Clay and her inclination to marry Sir Walter for wealthiness or Mr. Elliot and his desire to marry Anne to become baronet. Marriage in Regency England was used as a vehicle for many things (Pack 2012) . Hence, Jane Austen tells her perspective of womens idea of why they should marry during that period of time. Overall, the ideas of marriage would be happiness social class and wealth are what persuades most of the women into marrying in Regency England. Why should the muckle be unhappy? Are there not landed gentry, country parsons, and even wealthy naval commanders for them to marry? Ruoff 2012) For a successful marriage relationship involves the dedication and affection of both(prenominal) partners. During the course of the novel, the most successful and content relationship would be Anne & Captain Wentworth. Though their relationship was unapproved and disregarded by the elders of the family, they both knew from time that they were meant for each other. Jane Austen uses Anne and Captain Wentworth as an example, contrary to the other marriages present in the novel to reveal her belief in the possibility of good marriages.The potent ratio of love marriages to the others in the novel evidently conveys Jane Austens opinion on happy marriages indicating that perhaps happiness in marriage is just a matter of chance. The love relationship with Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth in the beginning was very strong regardless of their separation it is still continued to be one. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone forever. I offer myself to you a defecate with a heart even more your own than when you approximately broke it, eight and a half years ago.Dare not say that a man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier devastation. I apply loved none further you. Unjust I may hand been, weak and mutinous I have been, entirely never inconstant. (Austen, page 177) When Captain Wentworth says this to Anne its describes his unconditional love towards Anne which is true, regardless of her breaking their engagement when Lady Russell discourages her from the engagement. He willingly stated the truth of his feelings which indicates the fact that he had loved nobody and thought of nobody other than Anne.In this novel Captain Wentworth was portrayed by Jane Austen as a calibre to show the entertain of mens love. What was most wrong to Jane Austen was to marry without at least affection if not love. Always ridiculed when young women and their mothers go into secure marriages more than love (wit and wisdom of Jane Austen 2012). In all the novels that Jane Austen has written it showed how much of a believer she was in love marriages and how she regarded it as. Austen felt that love should be shown in all relations hips within the partners. When the other reasons of marriage were looked upon it came back to the necessity of women.When looking at this argument however, men also have the equal standing(a) and determinations regarding the decision of marriage. Throughout this story Austen points out and mocks the characters that chose to get marry for security of themselves over happiness of their lives. For example, bloody shame was shown to be arrogant, complaining, and careless mother because she cared about social class more. Just as much as men showing their affections and happiness towards their partners, women also show the same amount of affection and happiness but in some cases womens love towards their partner is greater than expected compared to men. If I loved a man as she loves the Admiral, I would always be with him, nothing should ever separate us, and I would quite an be overturned by him, than driven safely by anybody else. (Austen, page 61). When Louisa says this extraction i t portrays that another character who believed in love marriages. This quote points out the depths of a womens love in Austens perspective, showing her understanding of love and how it should be seen. The effectiveness of this line proves that it is not easy for a woman to accept love and its just as important as any other decision that you could ever make in your life.Their union, she believed, could not divide her more from other men, than their final separation. (21. 2). When Anne says this quote it shows her unconditional love towards Captain Wentworth and that there will be no other man other than him to replace her love, it also shows that even after seven years she never stopped loving Captain Wentworth still sorrowfulnessting her actions. This proves that women take their love seriously and that it is very strong. is the only man she can love she in sorrow and lose beauty and youth in unveiling regret (Kavanagh 2012).This quote reveals the sorrow of a woman when she has t o part from her partner, it uses imagery to better illustrate the feelings of a woman when she goes through this. It relates to Anne because this is how she felt when she had to break the engagement amid her and Captain Wentworth and how much she regretted making that decision. Marriage is an important factor when it came to women especially when it either helps elevate their social status or bring it down. Throughout the story, Austen primarily portrays the significance of social ranking in society marriages.She pictured out which couples were more successful in the marriages, for example, the Crofts whom were well matched when it came to social status. Most of the women in this novel are put out as wanting to marry for high position in social rank. One of the marriages was Mary, it helps the purpose of marriage but it does not show the real meaning of marriage. He thought it a very degrading alliance (Austen, page 18). At the end of the novel, Anne and Wentworth are united but in the beginning they were disapproved especially by Sir Walter because Wentworth had no social ranking.Particularly, to the people of higher(prenominal) ranks, social class was tremendously important regardless of what the situation baron be. No matter what the circumstance was, one does not marry below their own class. Looking at Annes perspective, her being a Baronets daughter could not marry Wentworth who was not of social rank or it was frowned upon in society and brought disgrace to the family. Westgate Buildings said he, and who is Miss Anne Elliot to be visiting in Westgate Buildings? A Mrs Smith. A widow Mrs Smith and who was her hubby?One of five thousand Mr Smiths whose names are to be met with everywhere. And what is her attraction? That she is white-haired and sickly. Upon my word, Miss Anne Elliot, you have the most extraordinary taste Everything that revolts other people, low company, paltry rooms, foul air, disgusting associations are inviting to you. But surely yo u may put off this old lady till to-morrow she is not so near her end, I presume, but that she may hope to see another day. ( Austen, page 14). The usage of this quote reminds Austens audience the consequence of marrying of low class.Since Mrs. Smith married someone of a low class she was frowned upon those who were above her like Sir Walter. Jane Austens novels do affirm the value of a social order is undeniable (Ruoff 2012). When Jane Austen wrote her novels she was extremely careful about how social class worked in marriages and the importance it gave even for the smallest issues, social class was almost a question of life or death. Marriage was undisputable. Women needed to find a husband with a high status to maintain personal status.Mary had merely connected herself with an old country family of prizeability and large fortune, and had therefore given all the accolade (chap 1 page 3). Mary like her father was very concerned about her personal statues and chose to get married to a wealthy and view family. Since she was married into a family like that she was given all the honour and respect automatically regardless of what she was before. Here Austen shows that marriage in Marys case was to upgrade her social ranking and it shows the relationship of Mary and Charles is rather unstable and nor do they love each other.Marriage here was shown as a social mobility. by her pride, the Elliot pride (Austen, pages 65). When Louisa said this, a believer of love marriages, suggested the pride that she had towards her husband, his family and herself. Mary is completely proud of her married life because as Barons daughter she held up the pride of the Elliots name and married into a respectful family. withal though she does not lead a happy life, she is fulfilled with the position that she has in society from the marriage she had.Jane thought the switch case scenario of a woman is not able to find a husband in her own social class and whose family cannot support her (wit and wisdom of Jane Austen 2012). Even though Jane Austen was a believer of love marriages at heart she also understood that a woman without social rank or a husband without a social rank wont have a bright future. Especially when the womans family wont support her in any way. Respect and Pride was two words that if in any case it was taken away it is almost as life or death in most womens lives. Mary acquired importance after becoming Mrs. Charles Musgrove but Anne, with an elegance of mind and sweetness of character was nobody her word had no weight. Annes characteristic was portrayed as sweet, wittier and overall a better person compared to her sister Mary. However, she was barely respected or seen as a member in the family. Marys characteristic was portrayed as a horrible mother, arrogant and just obnoxious and yet people respected her and treated her like an equal part of the family.Mary, being married into a wealthy and high social ranked family, secured her position as high in the social circle. Still, focusing on appearance and rank as he inserts Captain Wentworths name in the Baronetage. He has not changed at all (Adamson 2012). Sir Walter dismissed Captain Wentworth as a potential husband for Anne because he had no title or wealth but now Wentworth is respected by Sir Walter since Wentworth has acquired a fortune putting him stable and rich and qualified to be respected as one in the high society.This will help Anne gain everybodys respect when she becomes dependent on Captain Wentworth and will lead a wealthy life. Throughout the past, marriages were frequently seen as a contract to nurture the welfare of the familys statues and finance, especially amongst the mist of local nobility and landlord gentlemen which is always pointed out and focused on in all her novels. Marriage was a beak and excuse to become wealthy and respected. Vastly women took the upper hand and advantage when considering marriage especially if it allows their lives to be prosperous.They are not mainly to be beatified because they have no choice, they were not educated or had the right to their parents wealth, marriage was the only other option for them to avoid the gutters and live royalty. Since women had no education like the men, women had no means or opportunities to make money to live their own life of their choosing. Education has been theirs in so much higher a degree the pen has been in their hands. (Austen, page 172).This quote states that education was not something woman were able to grasp at all, it was given to the men at a high degree and even if women were given education and it was just to read and write a little and that was it. In todays knowledge domain the more education you had, the better the career. However, back then, women were unfortunate as the quote suggests The pen has been in their hands. Men always had the upper hand and the means of musical accompaniment compared to the women, You have always a profession, pu rsuits, business of some sort or other, to take you back into the world immediately, and continual occupation and change soon check impressions. (Austen, page 173. ) When Anne says this line it bluntly says the situation of women and how they cant have a job to rely on or anything else like the men because they have no education and mostly women were not allowed to even work in England. They were expected to stay home and look after the house and the children. Hence women relying on making good marriages financial wise in order to live happily. Women in the upper classes had the leisure to educate themselves however, they, like their counterparts in the lower classes, were not expected to think for themselves and were not often listened to when they did.Jane Austens novels both reflect and challenge the periods attitudes toward women (Smith 2012). In Jane Austens novels, Austen was able to portray the struggles of untaught people in that time period. The lower class women had no e ducation at all compared to the high class ladies so their words were not considered anywhere. While the high class ladies at least were able to read and write somewhat and because of their positions in society it was easier for higher class ladies to express themselves.Regardless, of whether a family had a daughter, as the oldest child, the parents wealth always ended to the closet male family member and the daughter has nothing. She had, while a very young girl, as soon as she had known him to be, in the event of her having no brother, the future baronet, meant to marry him. (Austen, page 4). In England back in the time, had the law where the property and wealth of the family will go to the son who will be the next in line to take responsibilities of the household.Sir Walter has no heir son, hence, putting his nephew William Walter Elliot, cousin of Elizabeth and her sisters next in line to the Baronet title. Elizabeth knowing this well enough decided to get married to him at suc h a young age to gain respect and wealth, proving that women have no choice regarding the familys wealth it never went to the daughters. Hence, forcing them to marry for just wealth and prestige. The gentlemen, the drift of the house, like you father (Austen, page 8). Ideally the head of the house back in the time and even now the men were the head of house.Austen uses a little dryness in this quote because women were in iron boot of looking after the house like cooking and cleaning and they were considered as head of the house. However, this quote says men to be the head of the house. This shows the reality of a womans life and goes to prove that women had limited to no opportunity regarding credit and job opportunities. Therefore, pushing forth with women using marriage has a utensil to get the hold of respect and money. She realised that it was necessary for women to marry in order to avoid poverty (Gill and Gregory, 2003).
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Presentation of Jackie from ââ¬ÅMy Mother Said I Never Shouldââ¬Â Essay
Throughout the play we see Jackie portrayed in different ways, her characteristics change and we see her grow as a person. Jackie as a child was truly rebellious and through her life faces many challenges. Firstly as a young mother then later with the evil of her mother.As a young woman in her teens Jackie is very rebellious we first see this when Jackie tells Marg bet that she has slept with her associate. Jackie tries to make Margaret feel guilty and that it was all her fault that she had slept with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend parents allowed them to sleep together where as Margaret was against it, this is possibly going to make Jackie more standardisedly to sleep with her boyfriend because it is against her mothers wishes. Jackie and her mother do non communicate well.When Jackie precious to tell Margaret she was on the p rickety Margaret had no idea because she had refused to talk about it and Jackie had seen the doctor on her own. This also shows Jackies independent and de termined spirit and the make to succeed on her own, especially when it comes to rising Rosie without her mothers help.Although Jackie has to give Rosie up to her mother she is still very determined to finish art college because it is the one thing she dirty dog have and do well at without the help of her mother. As an older woman we see Jackie feeling a chastening, even though she is a very successful business woman. Her feeling of failure come from her past giving up Rosie as a baby. It doesnt matter how frequently you succeed afterwards, if youve failed once. Jackie has deep in thought(p) all of Rosies growing up and Margaret explains that she arousenot make up those baffled years, they have gone and passed now. treats shes had with you. Jackie feels extremely guilty because her daughter has grown up and she has missed everything. Margaret tells Jackie those are my years meaning she has looked after Rosie all these years and Jackie does not realise what she has missed unti l she goes to Venice with Rosie.Jackies relationships with her mother, grandmother and daughter develop throughout the play. The relationship that changes most, I think, is that amongst Jackie and Margaret. As discussed before we saw a lack of communication between the two. Margaret does not know that Jackie has slept with her boyfriend. You said tell me while we go twist the garden centre.remember? Margaret feels she has let her daughter and herself down because she did not listen to Jackie properly.When Jackie is older she is concerned for her mother because Margaret was in pain. Jackie may feel responsible for her mothers distemper and death firstly because of leaving Rosie with her, putting more stress on her. Also just before her mothers death she had visited and had had to leave to get to a meeting, therefrom if she hadnt had to go so quickly she would have been with her mother and I think that Jackie regrets very much the fact that rushed off, not realising how ill her mo ther was.In a way Jackie makes her mother jealous. Margaret had to wait until she was married to have sex, but Jackie did not. Also Margaret may be jealous of Jackies emancipation because now Jackie is free from parental responsibilities. Sokay Jackie, you have to travel lots, and your works the most important thing isnt it. This makes Margaret feel as if her job is not as good and worthwhile as Jackies and Rosie respects the job that Jackie does more.Jackie and Doris have quite a close relationship. But they are very different. The first while we see Jackie and Doris together the first comment Jackie makes Doris ignores as she feels its not appropriate. This shows Doris takes the same tone with Jackie as she does with Margaret avoiding difficult subjects and questions. There is a large generation gap between Jackie and Doris Doris likes traditional things and her utility Jackie likes more modern things. Jackie is much more open with Doris. At the end of Act One, position three J ackie hugs Doris but Doris hesitates. This shows Jackie does not mind been open with people.Jackie and Rosie are very much the same in their opinions and they are very close. Because Rosie thinks Jackie is her sister they are much closer, more like friends. In out of time scenes Jackie and Rosie are best friends, even when they fall out, when they make up they renew their best friend bond, rightfulness is honestly, honesty is true, you livelihood your promise and Ill keep you. Jackie rarely sees Rosie because of her hectic lifestyle, but when she does see her it has to be special. When the house is left to Jackie she sees it as a penalization but Rosie knows it wasnt. Because Jackie is Rosies mother she sees her as perfect, Jackie can find no faults. Like when Jackie finds one of Rosies paintings she thinks it is great but Rosie thinks it is rubbish because it is not the same standard as her sistersThroughout the play we see Jackie changing. Not only her attitude but her lifestyl e.As a young person Jackie is rebellious. She does what she wants without asking her mother because of lack of communication. An representative is when Jackie goes on the pill without telling her mother. you cant scare me, because Im on the pill, OK? As a young person Jackie does not care about other peoples opinions. She is free and does as she likes.As Jackie grows up she starts to feel guilty about giving Rosie up. When Rosie and Jackie go away to Venice, this is when Jackie realises how much she has lost and what she has had to sacrifice in order to be successful. She also feels guilty because Margaret had to look after Rosie during the hard years Margaret sat up all night with the sickening child. Jackie is also responsible, she accepts that she has lost the best years. Jackie is also unable to form a close relationship with Rosie because she never gets to see her because of work.In out of time scenes Jackie is the leader. She is the bravest of the four lets kill our mummies. Rosie agrees but Doris and Margaret go home. Jackie is the leader of the group. I think this reflects her role in reality because she is set apart from the others by her determination and independence as a person. Jackie being the youngest too understand voodoo and spells which the others do not. Margaret and Doris get scared because their lives have now involved things like voodoo.Jackie is probably the biggest contributor to themes, the main one being secrets. The largest secret kept throughout the book is that Jackie is Rosies mum, not Margaret. Everyone else apart from Rosie knows so they have to keep the secret and lie. Margaret has always thought that her looking after Rosie was for the better but it makes the relationship between Jackie and Margaret very tense and strained. Jackie tries to ask for Rosie back but she cant bring herself to. Another theme is guilt each woman makes another feel guilty in someway. The biggest amount of guilt put on Jackie is the fact she had misse d the best years of Rosies life and she cant get them back, Margaret says those are my years.Jackie always felt tension between her and Margaret and until Rosie found out she could not move on. Jackie knew that Rosie was really her daughter and I think that she felt embarrassed because she will always a sense of failure as long as her mother is looking after Rosie.I think the piece of setting/clothing that shows Jackie best is when she and Rosie arise back from Venice. Jackies dress shows the fun, independent side of Jackie and her business suit shows her hard working, successful side.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Commanding Heights Essay
In the first episode of Commanding Heights, it begins by showing the world with a global delivery that is tremendously suffering by the creative activity War 1 events. After population War I, two extremely cerebral economists move to solve the worlds scotch troubles, John Meynard Keynes and Friederich Hayek. Keynes had the intuitive feeling that a presidency in times of stinting despair should spend money and go into a deficit in order to build the economy back up and then when the economy is stable again, should then grow a surplus. On the another(prenominal) hand, Hayek believed that for an economy to survive the free market moldiness be allowed to have the power to decide.Just as the textbook states, Hayek believed that markets arose naturally. He believed that while at times unemployment would be high, government should not step in with more regulations. Hayek thought that government regulation on the market would lead to too much government control and would damage the e conomy. Both economists demonstrated the economic way of thinking as discussed in chapter 1 of the Macroeconomics textbook. They had to use assumptions to simplify things, and they most definitely had to think at the margin.Many governments followed Keynes theory after World War 1. During the Great depression, Roosevelt decided to use Keynes economic theory by spending lots of money, also known as the new deal. Roosevelt had the hoover doomed built, interstate systems he created new government agencies to put the unemployed to work. This economic system sure paid off for the United States. This theory is serene graceful much used as we speak. The government continues to build recreational parks, museums, repairing the interstate systems, just spending money.Of course that money is not always spent wisely. I believe that Keynes theory will always be in effect for some time to come. After World War 2, a good percent of the world had adopted John Keynes economic theory. In many of those countries the result was not so promising. Socialism was born and economic problems became even worse. The Unites States on the other hand, continued to prosper following the Keynes theory. Hayeks beliefs were pretty much over shadowed and unaccepted. The United Kingdom was also a follower of the Keynesian economics.Winston Churchill tried to put a halt to the way they were running their economy, but the labour party prevailed. After around 30 years of following Keynesian economics, some(prenominal) the U. S and the U. K ran in to trouble. Stagflation was brought upon both economies. Inflation rates grew and economic growth rate slowed drastically. Then Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher came in to the picture. Both of these leaders were more on the side of Hayeks beliefs. They wanted to cut government regulation and cut government spending, they believed that would save their economies.The U.S and Britain had finally found a way come to the fore of the Keynesian practices. The Stagflation was over. After watching episode one of the Commanding Heights series, I have learned a lot round the old economic theories and how their still used today. Two creative young men had the ability to get half of the world to follow their ideas. It seems to me that economics is not just about technological advancements or scientific methods, but it is more about the generating of ideas. Economics comes from dedicated people using their creativity and critical thinking to make ideas mature into theories.I believe one of the main questions to be answered is what should be the balance of power? Should the market have more power to decide? Or should the government be more controlling? After Learning about these economic system theories, I believe the President should favor Hayeks theory pretty over Keynes. It would be best to have mixture of both economic systems equally, almost as we do now. Too much government control is still a concern in my opinion. The government is making it harder and harder for people to make good money anymore.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Quality Control Essay
As products and services evolve, consumer expectations tend to increase so that yesterdays caliber product becomes tomorrows junk. Quality revolves around meeting customer expectations, expectations that may be stated or implied. One action that sums up quality from a business perspective is when the customer returns aft(prenominal) the sale and the product doesnt. The statistical definition of quality is a little more precise than other definitions, such as the customer-based concept, and is based on mathematics. When you footmark quality statistically, you look for variation in a throwawayment between what the ? ustomers asks for and what you produce. The less variation you harbor, the higher the quality of your product or service. wholly processes have some natural variation you use statistics to detect abnormal variation that could cause you to produce a bad product or service. You mass too use statistics to avoid raiseing every item that you produce. By testing a sampl e of what you line or deliver, you can use statistics to measure its quality and find out whether it meets customer requirements the statistical definition of quality is a little more precise than other definitions, such as the customer-based concept, and is based on mathematics.When you measure quality statistically, you look for variation in a measurement between what the customers asks for and what you produce. The less variation you have, the higher the quality of your product or service. All processes have some natural variation you use statistics to detect abnormal variation that could cause you to produce a bad product or service. You can also use statistics to avoid testing every item that you produce. By testing a sample of what you make or deliver, you can use statistics to measure its quality and find out whether it meets customer requirements.After you as an organization decide on a definition of quality you need standards against which to measure your quality. galore (postnominal) an(prenominal) standards are driven by the desire to safeguard the health and well-being of the people who use the products or services companies provide. Quality standards also are hypercritical in support of international trade. Almost every industry has an association or trade group that sets quality standards against which companies can measure the quality of their products or services.The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international body made up of the national standards organizations for almost every country. Quality assurance focuses on the ability of a process to produce or deliver a quality product or service. This method differs from quality control in that it looks at the entire process, not just the final product. Quality control is designed to detect problems with a product or service. Quality assurance attempts to head off problems at the top dog by tweaking a payoff process until it can produce a quality product.A process c alled the Plan-Do-Check-Act, or the PDCA cycle is a powerful irradiation that requires planning improvements to your process by looking for problems that affect the quality of your product or service. Make improvements by implementing dinky changes to minimize disruption to your process. Check production results to see if youve actually made an improvement. Act on what you discover and roll it out to the entire process. The most basic quality control technique is to inflict the results of your production or service-delivery process to make sure it conforms to customer requirements.In quality control terms, conforming bureau that an item meets customer specifications, and nonconforming means it doesnt. You inspect your product or service by measuring one or more of its properties and comparing the measurements to customer specifications. Although inspection can ensure that c percent of the products or services delivered to your customers are good, it can be a very expensive proc ess, especially for high-volume, low-value items. Also, inspection is impossible for items where testing can scathe the product.The introduction of a quality control process into an organization can be a major shock to its system. The following components are crucial if you neediness to lessen the shock and gain acceptance within your organization. Advertise acceptance of the program from important stakeholders within your organization. Communicate the reasons for the change and the benefits it will bring to everyone in the organization. Train employees in the new ways of the organization. You want workers doing the right things consistently because success helps to gain support.Like most other changes, quality control is go around introduced in small bits. One way to do this is to create a pilot project that allows you to make a small change to a small part of your process to see the changes effect. If the results are good, you can implement the change on a wider basis if the cha nge is bad, youve limited the molest done. As an example I made a small research on Quest Diagnostics to make a scenario to explain how a union works on quality control. Quest Diagnostics is the nations leading provider of diagnostic testing, information and services.The clients include patients and consumers, physicians, hospitals, health insurers, employers and government agencies. all(prenominal) course of instruction the company performs personal health testing on over 100 million patients, over 250 million diagnostic laboratory tests, and more than 6. 5 million gene-based tests. Quest Diagnostics Inc. develops tests that help people live longer, healthier lives. Some of the most notable technological advances include earlier detection of cervical Cancer. Cervical cancer is almost 100% curable when detected early and clinical studies have shown that the rationalise Prep teat Test increases the early detection of precancerous cells.This test has been hailed as one of the m ost significant improvements in cervical cancer screening in over 50 years. Every year Chicago Business Unit cytology laboratory performs 1. 1 million teat smear tests. Currently the business issue is time for Thin Prep Pap Test reports. Many of the clients have complained that the time for Thin Prep Pap Test reports is too slow. Clients also have complained that the patient care is affected imputable to slower time for test reports. The hypothesis of the business issue is that the time is too slow for reporting the Pap Test results.Management has planned to make improvements for time of Thin Prep Pap Test reports. In order to make improvements, the management needs to research on current workflow processes of Thin Prep Pap Test and then find the possible solution. In order to research the current workflow process of the Thin Prep Pap Test and finding possible solutions following research questions will be researched What is the volume of Pap Tests? What barrier factors are affecti ng the time of the Pap test? What is the staffing situation? Is it efficient to handle the volume?What steps are involved in processing of the Pap Test? How much time is spent for each step? Which departments are involved in processing of the Pap Test? What is the current cost for the Pap test? What other new technology is operational in the market for faster processing of the Pap tests? What is the cost of the new technology? Is there an approved insurance reimbursement for the new technology? Statistics serve many purposes within quality control. Statistics allow you to determine which processes or parts of processes are causing your company the most problems.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Response to a Historical Essay Based on the US Civil War Essay
The struggle as people have known and understood it, has inculcated nothing but violence. Over the history, the remnants of different wars became plain because of the horrors that it caused and imbibed within the innocent lives of people not involved with it. In profit, those who have actually participated in wars, battleworn and inflicted with such violence mass only remember the frightful effects that it left. However, recent studies and approaches to war histories suggest otherwise.Indeed, there have been numerous horrors inflicted by the war towards innocent victims women, children, elderly, and the soldiers themselves. But on a different light, the denomination by Drew Gilpin Faust shows that these wars, although violent and bloody, have brought numerous lessons that only the battlefield can shell teach the people. In contrast to the usual and common stamp perceiving war as evil and violent, some historians view the war as an enlightening period in the history.Francis P arkman believed that the Americans, who have for so long been vilified by their seeking for success, will be purified and strengthened after a season of war wherein they shall call out for novel ideals and they shall learn to appreciate emotions and sen condemnationnts relevant for them to destroy selfishness and voraciousness (Faust, 2004, pp. 369-370). In a distinct manner, the Americans have been dominating the international arena due to their indespensable strength and the supremacy that they hold before less create and weaker countries.And as such, this rendered the Americans the incap king to become keen of other nations sentiments towards their leadership. And with this, the outcomes of the war can be the only way to bring about worthy realizations towards the Americans. Although no one can deny that in reality, the wars that people have bravely fought caused numerous of lives gone to waste. However, despite the horrors of losing loved ones, comrades and brothers became a necessary sacrifice in order to barf a nation that has been subjected to ill doings and a means to cleanse the people out of their sins committed against their own nation and other nations.It may come out morbid to other people, but more civilians became largely interested in understanding the experiences of the fighters firsthand. Civilians became more willing to feel the sensation because for them, these experiences will render them the ability to become more humane feeling different sensations and privilege of having emotions for them to grasp (Faust, 2004, p. 372). Those who served the military to cure the wounded became immensely satisfied of their tasks.For them, the patients that they attended to and the wounds that they had to cure introduced them to richer and new insights. And though these may have connoted a slap-up level of violence, nonetheless these experiences explored a great deal out of their humanity. And for those who have endured the battle themselves as sold iers, a number treated such experience with rejoice despite the destruction and chaos that it caused them (Faust, 2004, p. 372).With all these perceptions about wars, Civil fight in particular, most of the historians developed greater interests in tackling the horrors and lessons that come with it. The fondness of most of Americans in the wars that they have fought became distinct that most of the historians have dedicated a large amount of their time and career to discover the truth behind the Civil contend and the lessons that it has ought to teach the people. As such, over the history, numerous books and studies have been developed that were dedicated to the Civil War. crowd together McPhersons book entitled Battle Cry of Freedom was one of the most celebrated composition and a direct beneficiary of the Civil Wars fame. It turned out to become one of the most respected and famous books that tackled the experiences behind the war. Consequently, the Journal of Southern History al so became one of the best compositions that broadly re inaugurateed the different aspects of the conflicts during the Civil War. Given the significant increase of peoples interest in the war, it is logical to wonder what has triggered the peoples desire to study more about it.Ken Burn explained that the issues confronted during the Civil War era is continously reflecting the contemporary issues that Americans still face today (Faust, 2004, pp. 374-375). In addition to Burns explanation, several writers have also come to the conclusion that people are still interested with the cause and outcome of the Civil War because it has shaped modern Americas society and culture. They believe that the horrors and lessons behind the war, though they are considerably dreaded, are keys to discover Americas root and origin. The whole point of the article really does make sense.The turnout and effects of the war that it bestowed upon the country, the fighters involved in it, and the greater number o f innocent lives who had to bear with the war experiences created a huge impact that is impossible to forget in a lifetime. The different aspects and different angles given to the study of Civil War offered a great amount of help in understanding the fruits and losses behind the incident. As such, such wars and battles mirror the history of America. During the present era, the war that America has fought and is still scrap presents the same outcome numerous lives lost and land and property devastation.Same with Americas previous war engagement, they invented the war in order to realise violence (Faust, 2004, p. 381). Equipped with weak evidences behind Americas attack against Iraq, America has acted in order to create for their country a sense of meaning, purpose and goal-directedness (Faust, 2004, p. 381). Again, America was pushed into a war in order to regain superiority and control. Indeed, the wars that America has fought came with distinct lessons despite the unwanted memo ries and experiences that the wars have unleashed.But despite these horrors, the American government still pushed their nations onto a different battle regardless of what the world has to say about it. It is true, the Civil War taught Americans a great deal of lessons which were intentional the hardest and most painful way. But now, they stand the war again and numerous studies about the wars may not have helped at all. War, from the dawn of the history until the present generation, is still yet a battle that has not been won. Reference Faust, D. G. (2004). We Should Grow Too Fond of It Why We Love the Civil War. Civil War History. (pp. 368-383). The Kent country University Press.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Writing Your Wrong’s
Most moral filled people have the inner desire to murder up for the mistake of their past and this desire is magnified when those mistakes have a negative effect on the lives of others. There is a painful guilt that motivates a person to right his or her wrongs and by dint ofout the redemption process a persons perception of ones self can be completely different from reality.The human caput may only allow you to see what you want to see and not necessarily the facts or truth. Filmmaker, M. Night Shyamalan, portrays this perfectly through the character Malcolm Crowe in the film The Sixth Sense. Malcolm is a brilliant and successful child psychologist who struggles with his failed attempts to protagonist a former patient and the neglect of his own marriage throughout his career.Driven by guilt, Malcolm pours all of his eon and energy into a new patient, sugar Sears, whose symptoms are parallel to those of his very disturbed former patient. Cole is a scared, anxiety stricken, and preoccupied young boy with a supernatural ability to see and communicate with dead people or ghosts. Due to Malcolms deep commitment and extensive time spent with Cole, he alienates his wife who seeks comfort and companionship from a male employee.Malcolms desperate need to help Cole clouds his ability to perceive his true reality. It is through the journey of helping Cole that finally string outs Malcolms eyes to the realization and acceptance of his own death. As a result, he attains closure with his wife, redeems himself for past failures and is able to force out on to the afterlife with a sense of inner peace.Malcolm and his wife appear to share a deep love for one another even though she makes a comment early on in the movie that she is runner up to his career. Nonetheless, it is evident they have love and mutual respect for one another. Unfortunately, their rejoicing is abruptly disrupted when Malcolm is shot by his former patient, a boy whom he could not help. He does t his because he feels as though Malcolm failed him and blames him for being a freak.Following the shooting, we see Malcolm try to interact with his wife without success and her repeated failure to respond to him or acknowledge his presence in a room. She appears to slew him and he views this lack of communication as anger and resentment that stems from marital neglect. This is shown in a scene where his wife is waiting for Malcolm at a restaurant to celebrate their anniversary and he arrives late because he is in a session with Cole- his new patient.His apology is futile and his wife leaves angry and hurt. Malcolms perception of the bureau is inaccurate because of his inability to acknowledge that he is actually dead. Until this is revealed to Malcolm, he will continue to falsely interpret his wifes behavior and actions. This point is proven when we see Malcolm name his wifes bottle of antidepressants and his assumption that her depression is due to marital problems and not grief from his tragic demise.At the suggestion of Cole, Malcom expresses his love to his wife while she sleeps and in that fleck his true reality is finally realized he his dead It is abundantly clear that Malcolms sessions and relationship with Cole are paramount in his ability to shoot and eventually say pass to his wife and have closure in their marriage.Malcolm believes he is Coles hired psychologist and desperately wants to help him. His motivation for doing so is fueled by his guilty conscience resulting from his failed attempt to help his former patient who ultimately shot him. Malcolm sees the similarities between the boys and wants the opportunity to get it right. At first, it is unclear if Malcolm can help Cole, but through a bedtime story everything changes.He narrates this to Cole as a bedtime story that revolves around a character named Malcolm, Malcolm who works with children and. although he loves his job, he makes a mistake when he is unable to help a young boy. That mistake changed his life forever. He thinks about him all the time and cannot get the boy out of his mind.He then meets a new boy that reminds him of the other boy he was unable to help. This new boy is awesome and Malcolm wants to help him. If he helps this new little boy, it will be like helping the other one too. From this bedtime story, Cole discerns that Malcolm is talking about himself and this makes Cole more open towards accepting Malcolms help. This breakthrough with Cole is the turning point in their relationship. Malcolm suggests that Cole help the ghosts that haunt him.This proves to be therapeutic and we begin to see spiritual developing and improved quality of life for Cole, which directly affects Malcolm. Malcolms guilt for failing his past patient lessens every day as he witnesses the positive changes in Cole. As a result of Malcolms persistence and success in helping Cole, he is redeemed and closer to the eternal piece that awaits him.When a person has unresolved dispute or lack of closure in a relationship it can inhibit his or her ability to move on to the afterlife upon their death. Initially, Malcoms perception of his mortality rate is suppressed by the desire for redemption and marital peace. His extreme guilt over the inability to help his former patient and his decaying marriage hold him captive in a purgatory type state.Ultimately, through his gifted ability to help a disturbed child his eyes are opened and his soul is forwardness free. Free from the guilt of failing a boy and his marital shortcomings, but filled with inner peace. This inner peace can be seen when he tells Cole he will see him tomorrow knowing tomorrow will never come and later that evening when he expresses his love and final goodbye to his wife allowing them both to move on.In the end, Malcolms spirit is free of guilt, redeemed, and living in eternal life. Through his characters portrayal we learn the importance of living a moral, regret free and family filled l ife. An important lesson much needed by many in our world today.Work CitedThe Sixth Sense. M. Night Shyamalan, Hollywood Pictures, 1999.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing Essay
The purpose of this brief is to educate the newly take board members on regimen chronicle. Because the new board members atomic number 18 businesspeople from the community, they need to understand why organisation accounting is non the same as for-profit monetary accounting. The brief will compargon government accounting to for-profit financial accounting, describe the basic government reporting entity, and evaluate the Management Discussion and Analysis air division of the Comprehensive Annual monetary physical composition (CAFR) for the evince of aluminum. The State of Alabamas fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 will be used in the evaluation of the MD&A section ( status of the State Comptroller, 2011). political Accounting vs. For-Profit Financial Accounting Governmental accounting is not the same as for-profit financial accounting. Therefore, it is obligatory that individuals employed in government entities imbibe a good understanding of budgeting and accounting.G overnments and for-profits have different purposes, activities that generate revenues, stakeholders, financial objectives, and desire to survive. Separate accounting and financial reporting standards are necessary because users of financial reports of governments and for-profits do not have the same needs (GASB, 2012). Governments are required to be responsible for the use of resources in their operating environment, unlike for-profit businesses. Governmental resources are acquired from the guaranteed payment of taxes paid by individual taxpayers. The taxes paid have no direct relationship to the services the taxpayer received. Therefore, taxpayers assess the value received from the resources they have provided to government. As a result, governmental accounting and financial reporting standards strive to help stakeholders evaluate if public resources are properly expensed and if the capacity of services meliorate or worsened from the previous year (GASB, 2012).Government Reporti ng EntityIdentifying the accounting entity is one of the most importantaccounting issues. The financial reporting entity is the primary government and its component units. The primary government can be either a state, local, or special government. Component units are official separate organizations in which elected officials of the primary government are held financially accountable. A component unit and a primary government are dependent to one another. Their relationship is necessary to ensure that the reporting entitys financial statements are not misleading or incomplete (Copley & Engstrom, 2011). State and local governments are advised to prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). A CAFR should cover all funds and activities of the primary government and its component units.The CAFR consists of three parts introductory, financial, and statistical. The Introductory separate of the CAFR includes the table of contents, letter of transmittal from the governments Finan ce Director, list of government officials, and an organizational chart (Copley & Engstrom, 2011). The financial section includes an independent auditors report, managements discussion and analysis, government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, financial statements notes, and any other required supplementary financial information. Last, the statistical section includes spare financial, economic, and demographic information (Office of Financial Management, 2012). By combining all three sections into one comprehensive report, the CAFR reveals the state governments financial and operating activities that specialize its financial condition.Managements Discussion and AnalysisIn June 1999, the GASB issued a statement requiring government entities to include the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) within the CAFR. The MD&A discusses issues related to government entities, such as financial performance, capital resources, and budget trends, in regard to its financia l position. The MD&A gives the government an probability to present an overview of its financial activities. This section contains most of the basic financial statements. Auditors are responsible for reviewing the financial material to verify that the information is correct (Copley & Engstrom, 2011). The State of Alabamas MD&A provides useful financial highlights to CAFR users and the public. At the end of September 30, 2011, Alabamas net assets increased by $335 million and exceeded liabilities by$24.1 billion at the end of the fiscal year.By reviewing the financial highlights, a user can gather information about the states sextuplet major funds that operate the government for Alabama. The General Fund and Education Trust fund were prorated by 15 and 3 percent, respectively because collection did not meet the projections outlined in the budget. Users also can access the states basic financial statements, which consist of government-wide financial statements, fund financial statem ents, and notes to the financial statements. Because the MD&A performs its analysis using financial conditions based on the balance sheet, statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in the funds balance, the CAFR is more understandable to its users (Department of Finance Office of the State Comptroller, 2011).ConclusionThe CAFR is an annual financial statement issued by a state or local government to represent its financial position. There are noteworthy differences between for-profit and governmental accounting. Understanding these differences is fundamental when measuring managements performance and the financial success or failure of the entity. The organization is accountable for its success or failures because of the information presented in the organizations CFAR. Furthermore, the MD&A provides a more comprehensible outline of managements disruption and impacts of governmental activities on the financial situation of the organization.ReferencesCopley, P., & Engstrom, J. (2011). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (10th ed.). New York, NY McGraw-Hill. Department of Finance Office of the State Comptroller. (2011). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2011. Retrieved from http// GASB. (2012). Why Government Accounting and Financial Reporting is and should be- Different. Retrieved from http// Granof, M. H., & Wardlow, P. S. (2011). Core Concepts of Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting (2nd ed.). New York, NY Wiley & Sons. Office of Financial Management. (2012). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Retrieved fromhttp//
Monday, May 20, 2019
House of Saud Essay
The alternative visions of the nineteenth century all sought to Oppose sanction and protect local community. Feedback/ source figure pp. 600-601 2. The Wahhabi Movement sought to institute pure Islam and challenge The quilt Empire. Feedback/Reference chitchat p. 604 3. Allied to Wahhabi Movement leaders was the Najdian House of Saud of The Arabian Peninsula. Feedback/Reference instruct p. 604 4. Which of the side by side(p) did Shaka not use in his command of the Zulus? Mercy Feedback/Reference agree p. 605 5. The Taiping Rebellion of China gained whim from all except which of the following?Government reforms aimed at relieving economic pressures by lowering taxes Feedback/Reference See p. 608 6. Hong Xiuquans Taiping society demonstrated all but which of the following? Free opium use Feedback/Reference See pp. 609-610 7. Which of the following best describes what reactionaries sought to accomplish? To reverse democracy and secular influence Feedback/Reference See p. 612 8. W hich of the following best describes what liberals sought to accomplish? To limit state power while expanding that of the individual Feedback/Reference See p. 14 9. Which of the following best describes what radicals sought to accomplish? To reconstruct society economically and politically Feedback/Reference See p. 614 10. The materialist theory of history generated by Marx and Engels taught that what mattered was How goods were produced and how that shaped social relations. Feedback/Reference See p. 618 11. Insurgents irrelevant to powerful colonizing nations generally preached a message that reflected all of the following except Strong statements of universal get by and toleration.Feedback/Reference See pp. 618-622 12. What did Tenskwatawa advise his followers to do to rid Indian works of the white man? emergence to the traditional Indian rites and lifestyle Feedback/Reference See p. 619 13. Why did Mayan rebels stop their drive to rid the land of imperialists during the Caste War? Planting season came, so the Mayans went home.The insurgencies discussed in this chapter were most commonly Destroyed with woman chaser military force. 16. All of the following are true about Usman dan Fodios Fulani movement except It judge women to remain completely uninvolved in political action. Feedback/Reference See pp. 604-605 17. Nationalism in atomic number 63 Slowly gained strength over the nineteenth century by pushing education and culture to merge the nation. Feedback/Reference See p. 614 18. Mayan identity developed from all but which of the following bases?Close ties to the sugar and hennequen producers who mat threatened by new taxes Feedback/Reference See p. 623 19. Which of the following best describes the utopian socialism of Charles Fourier? The nerve of people into phalanxes that would preserve diversity in tasks and classes, but in which merchants did not exist Feedback/Reference See p. 615 20. The charismatic leaders in this chapter offered all but the following Decentralized states where power rested in the hands of the people
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Assessment Unit 002 Understanding Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Lifelong Learning
6302 Level 3 Award in Preparing to initiate in the Lifelong learnedness Sector Unit 002 Understanding Inclusive Learning and T each(prenominal)ing in Lifelong Learning Name Date Word Count 1. 1 Summarise learning and article of faith strategies recitation in own specialism As a First Aid Instructor, I labor place over a variety of courses lasting between one to common chord days in duration. I essay and vary my training styles depending on the sheathface and in a same(p)(p) manner on the learning styles of the scholars. Achieving the correct balance is sooner a challenge. I address all these diametric learning styles I use a govern of teaching methods.At the pay off of a procreation school term I use an ice- breakers to let the students introduce themselves and it in any case gives me a chance to guage the depth of their knowledge. I then give my aim of the seance and apologize my objectives. at bottom the school term itself I allow use power institutiona lise, incorporating icons and videos. I provide then do a working presentation, initially with no explanation then I will repeat the demonstration with explanation. eventually I will ask the student to demonstrate the skill, providing the commentary. The teaching technique is known as EDIP, explanation, demonstration, imitation, practise.I the likes of to read a flip chart and will use it to expand on any subject should I be necessary to. They way in which we learn is partly dependent on the type of learning that is involved. at that place argon three types of domains of learning. They be Cognitive, emotional and Psychomotor. Cognitive apprentices require the thought corporeal process style i. e. knowing the how and why. These sensdidates will love learning facts, figures, the understanding processes and problem solving. For example, what give rises the heart beat, the different rhythms of the heart and what happens if the heart has an irregular beat.A student with Af fective learning involves the use and demonstration of emotions, feelings or attitudes towards other people. These tail assemblydidates will be the type of people who understands the motive for patient consent or the need for early defibrillation. A student with Psychomotor type of learning will arrive at the manual and physical skills and will like to take up a hands-on approach. They will enjoy the chance to practise cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin and relish the thought of tying someone up in bandages. These three styles of learning were brought close by a man called Benjamin S Bloom (1913-1999).Blooms (and his colleagues) initial precaution was focused on the Cognitive Domain, which was the first published part of Blooms Taxonomy, featured in the publication Taxonomy Of educational Objectives Handbook 1, The Cognitive Domain (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, Krathwohl, 1956). The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Handbook II, The Affective Domain (Bloom, Masia, Krathwohl) as the title implies, deals with the detail of the second domain, the Affective Domain, and was published in 1964.Various people suggested detail for the third Psychomotor Domain, which explains why this domain detail varies in different representations of the complete Bloom Taxonomy. The three most popularly referenced versions of the Psychomotor Domain have the appearance _or_ semblance to be those of RH Dave (1967/70), EJ Simpson (1966/72), and AJ plow (1972). From these domains we have four types of pupils active, reflective, theorists and experimental. Active scholarly persons like to learn something by doing it immediately. They can get impatient and often wont bother to read the instructions or manual, they like to beget out for themselves.Reflective learners are those who prefer to wait and see. They sit back, watch others, and think about it before acting. They like to take their time. Theorists like to know what things really mean or how does it fit with s omething. They are logical and objective. They will always think things through and can be perfectionists. Experimental learners like to experiment. They are inspired by training courses and want to test out their new found skills. They punish and find more(prenominal) effective ways of doing things. They may take short cuts or devise their own methods of working. They like problem solving and dive things up quickly.They can get frustrated if not able to try something for themselves quickly. To address all these different learning styles I use a range of teaching methods. At the start of a training session I use an ice-breaker to let the students introduce themselves and it also gives me a chance to guage the depth of their knowledge. I then give my aim of the session and explain my objectives. Within the session itself I will use power point, incorporating photos and videos. I will then do a practical presentation, initially with no explanation then I will repeat the demonstrati on with explanation.Finally I will ask the student to demonstrate the skill, providing the commentary. The teaching technique is known as EDIP, explanation, demonstration, imitation, practise. I like to have a flip chart and will use it to expand on any subject should I be required to. 1. 2 explain how approaches to learning and teaching in own specialism run across the take of learners They way in which we learn is partly dependent on the type of learning that is involved. There are three types of domains of learning. They are Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. For detailed explanation please refer to question 1. To mark off that I have met the needs of the learner I continually observe and assess the students. I will have questions and answer sessions at regular intervals and also like to use quizzes to include a cheer element. These may be done on an individual or team basis. It will bring forward a sense of competition and hopefully motivate the student to learn. In a t eam emplacement it is splendiferous for team building and also encourages the group to share ideas and listen to each other. The practical sessions will peculiarly appeal to the Activist learners as they like to get involved and hands on.It will allow the student to practise their skills in a controlled environment. I ask students if they are willing to share any experiences, perchance first aid situations where they have been actively involved. This gives the students a chance to share real life stories and explain how the surmisal compares with real life scenarios. This would appeal to the Theorist learners. 1. 3 Describe aspects of inclusive learning If several(prenominal) teaching techniques are incorporated then the needs of the majority of students will be catered for. If a student has a particular disability then special provisions may need to be make for them.Should a student be dyslexic then several adjustments can be made to suit their learning needs. Any printed tex t would be printed on pastel shades of yellow paper and larger font could be used. It would be beneficial to sit the student in as much native light as possible as fluorescent lighting can prove difficult for them. I would use more pictures than text to enhance their learning experience,. A partially sighted student could be given a seat that affords the best view of the trainer and training aids. If necessary consider the disaster of video recording devices.Learners with hearing disabilities l would make received they are seated as well-nigh to the front as possible. I would also include as many visual aids as possible to assist their learning. I would also give handouts of all topics covered to ensure nothing had been missed. If a learner had a physical disability I would need to consider access and also make room for a wheelchair in the classroom. I would need to be prepared to take any training aids that the student required directly to them. 2. 1 rationalise how to selec t inclusive learning and teaching techniquesDyslexia lashings of visual pictures and discussion. Lots of practical sessions to learn the different techniques,. Partially sighted learner Lots of oral instruction and discussions. Question and answers sessions as opposed to pen work. Physical disability Train them the theory and techniques of first aid so that they are able to instruct someone else what to do in the berth of a medical emergency. Hearing disabilities More visual aids and practical demonstrations. Handouts to reinforce knowledge. 2. 2 apologise how to select resources that meet the needs of learnersIt is my responsibility to select the range of equipment that is required on the course. Depending on the needs of the students I will select the resources required to get the desired learning levels. For example, in the case of a dyslexic learner I may need pastel coloured paper for handouts. My power point presentation may need to be adjusted to include more pictures and videos. 2. 3 Explain how to fashion assessment opportunities that meet the needs of learners There are two ways to gain assessments and make sure learning has occurred.These are Formative and Summative assessments. I would gain an Initial Assessment at the start of the course to assess the level of knowledge and understanding of the student. This could be done by asking the student to introduce themselves, including these details. Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process. If the knowledge base isnt at the required level for that stage of the course then I would have to go back over the session to reinforce the learning. Maybe it would require a change of teaching skills to accommodate the learning style of the student.It is of the essence(predicate) to carry out a formative assessment at an early stage and to repeat it during the spunk of the session to ensure than any adjustments to the teaching can take place effectively. Summative Assessment is used at th e end of a session in localize to confirm that the desired levels of learning have been reached. I would summarise the learning points then assess the levels of knowledge using a variety of methods. The results of this final exam assessment must be given and doubts cleared immediately to motivate the student to progress further.In order to make these assessments I have a range of methods that I can use. I may use question and answer sessions, these are particularly useful to dyslexic learners. I may decide to hand out work sheets to be completed or ask the learners to participate in a quiz. During the time period of instruction I would be reservation observational assessments. Any official assessment would need to be recorded. 2. 4 Explain how to provide opportunities for learners to practice their literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills Literacy there are many ways in which a learner can practice their literacy skills.At the start of a course there are documents which need to be completed, for example, personal details and qualifications held. During the course work sheets may need to be filled in and the learners can also practice filling in accident report forms. Numeracy In the CPR practical sessions, learner will have the opportunity to count up to 30 whilst performing compressions on the manikin. These must be done at a ratio of 302 with rescue breaths. Language The learners will have plenty of opportunity to practise their language skills. This may be through group discussion, role crook or asking questions.First aiders need good communication skills when dealing with patients as they can be truly distressed and frightened. ICT learners will have the opportunity to practice their ICT skills by using an Automated External Defibrillator and spirit at an epi-pen. To embed the skill the learner will be given plenty of opportunities during the course to practice. It will be my responsibility to ensure that the learner can confidently perform th e tasks that are asked of them. 3. 1 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning environmentIt is important to know the motive for the learners attendance on the course. They might be attending because they have to or they might be really interested in first Aid and want to develop their knowledge base. Whatever their author it is wise to point out the advantages of attending the course and how it can help them, their friends and other members of their family should an emergency situation arise. Ice breakers are useful tools to initially engage the learners and to put them at ease. It can also help them feel more part of the group. I could also use David Kolbs Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) see diagram at back.Kolbs model therefore works on two levels a four-stage cycle 1. Concrete Experience (CE) Having an experience 2. Reflective Observation (RO) Reviewing the experience 3. Abstract Conceptualization (AC) close from the experience 4. Active E xperimentation (AE) Planning what is next from the experience The learners could be told that at the end of the session there will be a quiz and the winner will receive whatever is on the instructors deskI make sure that there is a box of chocolates there as these are certain(prenominal) motivators.If there are dyslexic learners present I would may make the quiz a photo quiz . I could also ask the learners to work in small groups so that they coud help each other out. If a learner with ADHD was present I would give regular encouragement and sustainment them informed how long a session was going to last. If necessary I would suggest that they stand and maybe walk around the classroom rather than staying in a static position if there are no practical demonstrations involved. 3. 2 Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners to promote respect for othersI would promote respect for others by giving the responsibility of setting ground rules to the learners. It could be an initial ice breaker activity, maybe putting them in small groups to come up with ideas. They could then come together as a group and vote on which rules should be included. These should make e reallyone feel part of the decision making process and it also gives them ownership of the ground rules. When the ground rules have been agreed upon and written out I would display it in the classroom in a prominent position.If a learner was to break the rules more than a couple of times then I would draw their attention to the displayed list. If a learner was to incline in breaking the ground rules then I would have to take them aside and speak to them. If it was worthy a distraction to the other learners and affecting the learning within the classroom then I would take a firm stance and warn the learner that they may have to remove themselves from the course. 3. 3 Explain ways to give constructive feedback that motivates learners Feedback is an important part of the course.It doesnt have to be formal, it could just be a smile or a nod. It can also be given as written feedback. Feedback should always follow the following format Positive praise the candidate Negative/improvement pick up on the key orbital cavitys only Positive always leave the candidate on a high note and a good feeling of achievement. The learner could be asked how they felt that the last tack together of work went. In which areas did they perform well and which areas could be improved on. This is called self-assessment.Invariably students are their worst critics and are very hard on themselves. However, it does allow the student to have their own input and feel part of the process. aim the areas that went well for them but do not go into too much detail. The add constructive feedback on areas that can be improved. Make suggestions on how they can develop their skills in these areas. Finally, point out something positive, an area that worked really well for the learner. This will give them a sense of achievement and motivate them to progress further.If the learner suffered from dyslexia then any written feedback would be printed on pastel coloured paper, in the colour that was desirable for the learners needs. It would be reinforced with verbal feedback which would cover all the points raised in the written feedback. References RH Dave (1967/70) EJ Simpson (1966/72) AJ Harrow (1972). Taxonomy Of Educational Objectives Handbook 1, The Cognitive Domain (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, Krathwohl, 1956). David Kolb 1984 Experiential Learning Experience as The Source of Learning and Development
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Dolls House, Drama Analysis, Realism and Naturalism Essay
Nora Helmer frolics about in the first act, be agrees urgently in the second, and gains a stark sense of reality during the finale of Henrik Ibsens A birdies House. Ibsen was one of a few pioneers of the new theatrical movement of realism, and accordingly he is often called the preceptor of modern drama. The character of Nora lives in a dream world, a peasantlike fantasy, where everything is perfect, and everything makes sense, but as the diarrhoea develops, Nora transforms and finds the strength to leave her home and her children in order to find out who she is and what she wants out of life. Nora leaves the role of the razz child and doll wife and becomes an fissiparous self-thinking full-grown. She realizes that the world is different than she always thought it was, and that she herself is also different. The extend opens a door onto the social problems that many face but never speak of. Since Ibsens time, women have made great strides in gaining the choice to determine th eir role in relation to the family and society.A Dolls House uses the character of Nora Helmer to show the transformation that takes place from dependent house wife to independent adult. The theme of A Dolls House, a womans right to individual self-fulfillment, was considered passing subversive in an age when women were not allowed to conduct business without the authority of a father or husband. Wives and daughters were considered to be property, thus lending to women acting childish and naive. The character of Nora exhibits many of these juvenile and immature qualities. The listening first sees her when she returns from a seemingly extravagant Christmas shopping excursion. She eats a few desserts which she has secretly purchased. When her wicked husband, Torvald Helmer, asks if she has been sneaking macaroons, she denies it whole-heartedly. The Narrator tells us, She takes a bag of macaroons out of her pocket and eats one or 2 then she walks stealthily across and listens at he r husbands door (Ibsen 1681).With this minor act of deception, the auditory sense learns that Nora is quite capable of lying. She is most child-like when she interacts with her husband. She behaves playfully yet obediently in his presence, always coaxing favors from him or else of communicating as partakes. Torvald gently reprimands Nora throughout the play, and Nora good-naturedly responds to his criticism showing how immature and dependent she is. However, Nora has been lead-in a double life. She has not been thought slightly spending their money. Rather she has been scrimping and saving to pay off a secret debt. Years ago, when her husband became ill, Nora forged her fathers signature to receive a loan to save Torvalds life. The fact that she never t obsolescent Torvald about this arrangement reveals several aspects of her character. For one, the audience no chronic sees Nora as the sheltered, care-free wife of a banker. She knows what it means to struggle and take risks. I n addition, the act of concealing the foul loan signifies Noras independent streak as stated in the line, Daddy never gave us a penny. I was the one who raised the money (Ibsen 1688).She is proud of the sacrifice she has made. Although she says nothing to Torvald, she brags about her actions with her old friend Mrs. Linde. Basically, she believes that her husband would undergo just as many hardships, if not more, for her sake. However, her perception of her husbands devotion is quite misplaced. Nora is evolving and is showing an independent side to her personality. When the disgruntled Krogstad threatens to reveal the truth about her forgery, Nora realizes that she has potentially brought scandal upon her husbands good name. She begins to question her own morality, something she has never done before. Did she do something ill-use? Was it not the right thing to do, under the circumstances? Will the courts convict her? Is she an improper wife? Is she a terrible mother? Nora contemp latelys suicide as a means to eliminate the dishonor she has wrought upon her family. She seems to bear all grasp of reality as she declares, Never, never. Oh, that black icy water. Oh, that bottomless If notwithstanding it were all all over Hes got it now. Now hes reading it (Ibsen 1727).Yet, it remains debatable as to whether or not she would truly follow through and jump in the icy river. During the climactic scene in Act III, Nora seems to stall before running out into the night to end her life. Nora is frantic and changing into an adult by confronting the inevitable future that faces her. She realizes that it is always darkest before the dawn. Noras epiphany occurs when the truth is finally revealed. As Torvald unleashes his crime towards Nora and her crime of forgery, the protagonist realizes that her husband is a very different person than she once believed. Torvald declairs, Im done for, a miserable failure, and its all the fault of a feather-brained woman (Ibsen 1727). Torvald has no aim of taking the blame for Noras crime. She thought for certain that he would selflessly give up everything for her. When he fails to do this, she accepts the fact that their marriage has been an illusion. Their false devotion has been merely play acting.She has been his child-wife and his doll. The monologue in which she sedately confronts Torvald serves as one of Ibsens finest moments. Some argue that Nora leaves her home purely because she is selfish. She does not want to release Torvald. She would rather start another life than try to fix her existing one. Or perhaps she feels that Torvald was right, that she is a child who knows nothing of the world. Since she knows so little about herself or society, she feels that she is an inadequate mother and wife. She leaves the children because she feels it is for their benefit, painful as it may be to her. Nora Helmers last words are hopeful, yet her final action is less optimistic. She leaves Torvald explaining that t here is a slight chance they could become man and wife once again, but only if a miracle of miracles occurred.This gives Torvald a brief ray of hope. However, Nora exits through the hall door, symbolizing the finality of their relationship. Nora has reached her final pause point and has evolved from childlike to mature and decisive. A Dolls House, with its multi-level characters, opens a door onto real problems veneering the most common of marriages. Although, Ibsens views differed from those held by many modern feminists, he firmly believed that women were inherently meet to being mothers and wives. However, he also felt that a husband and wife should live as equal partners, free to become their own human beings. The play shines a spotlight on problems that few women were instinctive to talk about. The so called perfect life of Nora Helmer in A Dolls House highlights the changes from child to adult in a very short time and proves the point that it is never too late to change.Wo rk CitedIbsen, Henrik. A Dolls House. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing. Ed. Kennedy, X.J. and Dana Gioia. 10th ed., New York Pearson Longman. 2007. 1679-1734. sucker
Friday, May 17, 2019
Assesment 6 Practical Team Sport
BTEC SubsidiaryExtended parchment In Sport QCF Level 3 Unit 8 Practical Sport (PT) Unit 22 Rules, Regulations and Officiating in Sport (R&R) Assessment 6 of 8 P1 Skills and techniques- Passing the acquirement off mountain pathway is used when a player on the same team up is giving the twine to another member, this is called crack and this is used to spread the play across the line of attack as the eyeballock in dog rugby give noticenot be principaled forward so generally the ball get out be thrown sideways or backwards using the following technique.When the player feels that it is right they will look for a pass by doing this there head position will be looking to where they plan on the ball reaching and this is typically to the midriff of a player on their team so to perform this skill they will deal their feet shoulder width a get down so that they have balance but in addition they will have the ball in both hands so that they do not spill it when using the passi ng action which is having both hands either side of the ball bringing the ball back to create momentum and power and then bring it towards their target and releasing giving the military strength that is required for it to reach their team mate.Catching This skill is when you atomic number 18 receiving a pass as you will have to catch the ball and to do this to make your teams play fluent and quick you essential have a good technique on how to catch the ball.To have a good technique on transmitted the ball you must make sure your hands be clear and visible for your teammate to represent that you are ready for the ball but then when the ball is heading in your direction you must make sure that your feet are shoulders width apart and that you have a solid base and you are balanced then make sure your hands are close to your chest so that if you break to miss the ball it will rebound off your chest and will be easier to catch , earlier catching the ball your head and eyes must b e looking at the irection of the ball so that you are ready then when successfully catching the ball look for option on whether to pass it on or make a run forwards. Intercepting The skill of intercepting is used when you prevent the oppositions team from making a pass and you catch it which then converts possession into your teams favour.The technique of this skill is identifying where the ball is going to go and getting your body position correct to quickly react and catch it forwards a player on their team does for recitation if you are about to go in for an interception you will need to keep eyes on the ball and make sure all your body is in line with the ball including your hands so that you can grasp it in mid-flight. After you have caught the ball there will usually be a gap in their defence so as soon as you catch it there will be the opportunity to run for the score zone.Blocking This is a skill used again for preventing the opposition from retaining the ball and the tech nique for this is to get any body part in the way of the balls intended destination. The technique to doing this is to make your body as big as realistic with the biggest surface area as possible. To do this you will need to stretch out every ramification possible and direct them in the way that the ball is heading so that you can block it. tactic on1 argue This is when your team is the defending team and every somebody on your team has a person to mark on their team and it is your job to mark them so within tag rugby you would be lined up in your defending line opposite the person you will be marking, a good point to this is that everyone on their team will be marked however if the person you are marking gets passed you then there is very little cover to prevent them from gain ground a audition. on 1 This is a tactic used when there is a specifically good player on the oppositions team and it is used by 2 players marking the 1 player that is dangerous to their team and it is there job to mark and defend against this one player, an advantage of this is that it may prevent that one player from scoring however because two people are marking 1 player it will leave a player on the other team without someone marking them so it could expose their defence.Zonal defending this is where the defending team do not mark a person instead they mark zones so for example within tag rugby there would be teammates marking the middle sections and wide sections off the weight and it is their responsibility to make sure that no one gets past them in that area however this can be quite a hard tactic to implement as everyone in the team call for to be disciplined else gaps would open up in the defence leading to opportunities for the attacking team to score.Half coquette This tactic is again one that you would use for defending and this is where your team will only defend half(prenominal) the pitch so when the other team has it in there half they will not hale them and let them have the ball but then as soon as the ball comes into the defensive half there will be high pressure on the ball carriers and players around them to try and gain possession back and limit the amount of chances the team will get, However leaving the team with this amount of space gives them time to build up pace which could mean that the defending team may not be able to catch the attacking team. M1 Passing
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